Rabu, 02 September 2015

Mampir FSS Kawan

Have ever eaten in Sengkaling Food Festival yet ???
I will provide information about Sengkaling Food Festival. Sengkaling Food Festival or often known as SSF is the concept of
merging the Culinary Sengkaling.SSF Recreation Park is located on Jl. Raya Mulyoagung No. 188, District Dau, Malang regency, or rather in front of Sengkaling Recreation Park. SFF is open daily from 12.00 s / d 23:00 pm. Food food sold no less with food meals sold in restaurants, in addition to a meal that is provided is very neat, clean, and beautiful. Not complete it if you do not try to stop eating at Sengkaling Food Festival.

So information about Recreation Park Sengakaling, his friends information may be increased by reading the information from me, thank you very much.